Vision: Creating a nurturing learning community where excellence is expected of everyone.
Mission: To ensure that every student strives to achieve excellence.
Motto: The pursuit of excellence!
Vol 1 2021-2022
Passionate About Inspiring
by Ashley Ako-Larbi
Senior Tips
The perfect tips to ace and complete your senior year
Make a plan- Figure out what you are looking for and what you want to do after you graduate. Maybe you would like to go to college, trade school, or you might go straight to work. Just make sure you have a plan and make sure it’s a realistic one.
Get involved with your school clubs- As you have gotten to your last year of high school it is important to make sure you get involved. You don’t want to be that person in college that wishes they got more involved during their high school years.
Build college list- It is important to know what schools you would like to attend. A perfect way to get that list together is to put together a list of what you want in a school and the must-haves. Do a lot of research and make sure you choose a good amount of reach schools, target schools, and safety schools. Create your Common App or Coalition application account.
Complete your FAFSA and CSS- Federal Student Aid and College Scholarship Service Profile. This is very important if you plan on going to college. These forms are used by your colleges to determine your eligibility for federal student aid.
Check your deadlines
List the requirements of the schools you are applying to. Each school has its own requirements. Make sure you check the number of supplemental essays and teacher recommendations you will need. Ask your teachers politely and make sure they are comfortable with writing one for you.
Write your essays and work on your Application- A good essay will boost your application so don’t wait until the last minute to do them. If you can get your English teacher to edit them for you.
Request your official transcripts from your Naviance account at least two weeks before you submit your application. Remember your counselors have other students too.
Review your application and tell your counselor that you requested your transcripts.
Submit your application and make sure your documents were sent
Check your email for confirmation of your application being received. Check your portal to see if all of your required documents have been received. Including your spam.
Don’t procrastinate- Do everything in a timely manner.
Stay on top of your grades- It is very important to keep up your grades because if your plan on going to college, you will be required to either submit a mid-year report card or a final year report card and you don’t want college admissions officers to think you slacked off.