Vision: Creating a nurturing learning community where excellence is expected of everyone.
Mission: To ensure that every student strives to achieve excellence.
Motto: The pursuit of excellence!
Vol 1 2021-2022

Holidays Without You
by Isaac Pilco
Everyone who lived in the 21st century has and will always remember this unique, the unforgettable year of 2021. Everything seemed to go normal, but as soon as the digits on the clock ticked, the world changed. Throughout 2021, there was so much pain, and unimaginable family and friend losses. The pandemic changed the way people viewed life. The way they lived. The mindset of people towards living changed during the 2020/2021 pandemic. Holidays were not the same as previous years. Emotions and activities were not the same. Gifts and time with families was not the same. Everything was different.
Areas and feelings changed as the year slowly came to an end. The sky seemed to get darker sooner, the cold ,breezy weather hit faces hard. The branches look dry and sad as never before during holiday time. The winter was coming. The holidays were approaching.
People were setting up their houses with holiday spirit.
We see colorful lights throughout the distance, snow falling from the sky, people coming out of the stores with bags full of presents. Everything finally seems to look normal, but it’s only for the moment, knowing the background of all this. Knowing that once you get back home, everything seems to shut down on you all again.
A year ago, people gathered with family members on Christmas eve, or even just a small reunion. But this year, things are different. You notice how many wonders and events 2021 has made in so many lives. All the changes in everyone's lives. The people you wished to be around you, are not able to accompany you in these lonely times. You know you are not going to be able to spend time with loves ones..., so you procrastinate till finally... Christmas day. There is no motivation without being able to spend time with family . Parents are working to help the world nonstop because people need them. I understand also wish for more time with my parents even if it is short. There I was in my bedroom watching movies, eating popcorn and drinking hot cocoa to distract myself from being without my loved ones. I try to sleep way the loneliness and heartfelt pain away.
Suddenly, I hear an unexpected knock at the door. I had no idea who it might be. I turned on the light and headed toward the front door entrance. And to my surprise, my parents came home early to spend time with me after their work shift. My parents did not know if they were actually going to make it home in time for the holiday. We spent time bonding and realized no matter what happened or the situation we are a family. Our bonding moment made me look down on everything else. Nothing mattered but the time I was spending with my parents. It did not make sense to worry about anything else or keep being sad. I should be looking at the good side of things spending time with my family. The End.