by Kevin Siguencia
Where is Santa?
Where is Santa?
Where is Santa?
Here I am
Here I am
Merry Merry Christmas, Merry Merry Christmas
Merry Merry Christmas, Merry Merry Christmas
by Kedar Turner
How vintage is Santa Claus? Where does he maintain?
And why does he come once I am asleep?
His hair is so white inside the images I know.
Guess he stands on his head all of the time inside the snow.
But if he does that, then why doesn't he capture a cold?
Santa Claus' vintage is a maximum of 20 years for my peers.
I`d much like to look at him as soon as stand on his head.
And dive down the chimney, as grandmother said.
Why don`t his head get all blanketed with black?
And if he comes head first, how can he get back up the chimney?
Mamma is aware of Santa Claus' moves however, she won’t tell me.
I shall maintain wakeful Christmas Eve, then I can see.
I actually have teased her to inform me, however mamma won`t tell
I`ll discover for myself the vintage of Santa Claus.