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                                   by Eva Campos


It is the end of summer 
when the crops end
and death returns.
Without a doubt, it is going to happen.
The graves are going to break.
It’s going to happen, it’s the truth. 
The night is dark 
The sunrise orange 
The homes are unsafe  
Candies are food 
Some dress for attention
Some want to celebrate by saying 
Happy Halloween! 


  by  Jessenia Farez


It’s that time of year again

But the times have changed

Every year as we become older 

We don’t see things as before or when we were young

It’s not about how much candy you get

All that matters is how you enjoy it

Because next year  won’t be the same

At the end of the day, things will be different

Don't  worry about not having the right costume

Costumes change every year

Next year is a chance to be someone different

Enjoy the night and have fun! 

 "Halloween Poem"

by  Erik Estevez


Here I am, dressed up for the night knock,

knock hoping to create a fright.

I am scared he might bite 

Instead, he is dressed up too,

He creates a fright when he yells boo! 


"Halloween Poem"

 by Christian Liriano


Halloween Party

Chilling wind outside

Horrific screams heard across the street

The gleeful party marks the start of Halloween

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