By Manuel Rodriguez
Halloween is a time for having fun!
A day to dress up.
I already know what to wear.
I always wanted to dress like a bear.
Halloween is a time for having fun!
Pumpkins are everywhere.
People decorate houses for fright and fun.
.I feel like I am ready to be scared!
Halloween is a time for having fun!
Go out if you want to have fun.
Get ready to get scared with all your friends!
Halloween is a day I always celebrate.
I want to be scary and be scared!
Khyiana Jones
Halloween is not what you think
And I’m going to tell you why
People go all-day wearing a great disguise
You can hide your innocence
And lock it away with a key
But after that day is over
You are who you were made to be
Don’t go overboard being someone your not
Because at the end of the day
You are back to what you got
You can’t hide forever as somebody else
So once the day is over embrace yourself
Beware & Prepare
for the Spookiest Night of the Year
Vision: Creating a nurturing learning community where excellence is expected of everyone
Mission: To ensure that every student strive to achieve excellence
Motto: The pursuit of excellence