Fall Poems
Rances Martinez-Volquez
Oh my!!!
Oh my pumpkin pie!!!
I love nothing more than pumpkin pie.
Straight from the farm pumpkin cut and carved, I can't wait for my pie to bake.
My brother comes into the room and calls all the others
They tell me wow bro this smells just like mother's pumpkin pie.
With the ding of the stove, my hunger arose
While my brothers and I bunched around the pie, the pie crust crunched and all evening we munched, munched, munched.
Newark Tech Poetry Club...
Fall 2022

Dios mío, mi pastel de calabaza.
Nada me gusta más que mi
pastel de calabaza.
Directamente de la granja calabaza cortada y
Yo no puedo esperar a que se hornee mi pastel.
Entra mi hermano llama a todos los demás.
Me dicen wow hermano esto huele igual que el de mami. El Ding de la estufa me despertó el hambre.
Mientras mis hermanos y yo nos amontonábamos
alrededor del pastel, la corteza del pastel crujía y toda
la noche comíamos, comíamos, comíamos.
Poetry Staff
Kaysheca Gibbs
Amylee Velez
Contributing Poets: Genesis Rodriguez, Tiffany Romero
Advisor: Dr. Lynn Love-Kelly
Mission :To ensure that every student strives to achieve excellence.
Vision: Creating a nurturing learning community where excellence is expected of everyone.
Moto: The pursuit of excellence!