Mission :To ensure that every student strives to achieve excellence.
Vision: Creating a nurturing learning community where excellence is expected of everyone.
Moto: The pursuit of excellence!
Vol 2 Issue 2 Spring 2022.
What You Need To Prepare For Junior Year
by Emmanuel Ishola

Transitioning from sophomore year to the most significant high school year- Junior year- may be challenging for students and can easily take a toll on them if they are not prepared. Junior year is the most important high school year since it is the final complete year of high school that colleges look at when reviewing your college applications, thus it is very important. WHY MIGHT JUNIOR YEAR BE THE MOST DIFFICULT? This school year, you'll have a slew of tests to take, including the PSAT, SAT, state exams, AP testing, and so on. Also, this is the time when you should start thinking about college applications and so on. So, I wouldn't say it's difficult, nor would I say it's not difficult, but it does get busy. Having said that, here are some pointers to help you prepare for your junior year: ​ GOING IN WITH THE RIGHT MINDSET You may hear that Junior year is the most challenging, but don't let this discourage you; instead, prepare yourself for the challenges it may offer. Starting the school year with the expectation that it would be tough will undoubtedly make it difficult for you, so you must prepare your mind during the summer. Make plans for what you want to accomplish in your junior year. It may be taking more AP courses, improving your GPA, doing well on your PSAT, or even participating in clubs and extracurricular activities. Plan everything out before the start of junior year. KNOW YOUR COUNSELOR/ TEACHERS A letter of recommendation is one of, if not the most, significant components of your college application process. Letters of recommendation from teachers and perhaps a guidance counselor are necessary. Your guidance counselor is available to assist you with almost everything you can think of. Advice, recommendation letters, and so much more. Get to know your counselor and discuss your goals for junior year and college with him or her at the start of your junior year. The more you get to know each other, the better and stronger your recommendation letter will be. In class, try to get to know your teachers and possibly try more in their classroom so that they can notice your progression. They are critical, and you need them. PREP FOR STANDARDIZED TESTS/ KNOW WHERE YOU STAND You would take the SAT junior year since it is a key component of your college admission process. Khan Academy is an excellent resource for you to employ for preparation, and the College Board provides a wealth of practice exams for you to make use of. It is essential that you are aware of both your current position in the class and where you stand in relation to your contemporaries. You should put in as much effort as is humanly feasible to raise your grades and grade point average, which will in turn raise your class rank which is also essential for the process of applying to colleges. (ACT is also an option) ​ GET MORE INVOLVED Participate in more clubs and extracurricular activities at your school and in your neighborhood. This demonstrates that you are open to expanding your knowledge base outside of the classroom. In order to get the most out of your time, join clubs that you know you'll stick with. Seek organizations that will allow you to show off who you are and what you like to do in your spare time. Such as the robotics club, HOSA, the Organization for Future Engineers, and so on. The more time you spend at the clubs, the better. Try to take on a leadership position, such as captain, president, vice president, and so on. Not only does this assist to construct your resume, but it also helps to develop your leadership abilities and personal growth in the process. Community service is a vital aspect of life that should not be overlooked because it demonstrates how much you care about your community, it's critical. START THINKING ABOUT COLLEGES/ VISIT/ SCHOLARSHIPS Make a college list, research the colleges, and know what you want in terms of location because picking the incorrect school might destroy your college experience, whilst choosing the perfect one can make your life more exciting and enjoyable. As a result, it's critical that you include a school on your list that you can envision yourself attending rather than just any school. Visits to colleges can have a significant impact on your perceptions of those institutions and the decision you ultimately choose. Also, don't get distracted by all the glitz and glam the school has to offer. Instead, focus on obtaining information regarding financial aid, participating in extracurricular activities, obtaining an internship, and obtaining a career outside of school. All of which are crucial. Obtaining financial aid is an essential aspect of the process. Starting your scholarship list this year will allow you to keep on top of the application process and reduce stress. (#startearly) ​ ​ HAVE FUN Even with all of the connotations associated with junior year, you may very well make it your year. You should start early, talk to your counselor, take your grades seriously, join clubs, and have a good time with your friends. Every day, keep your goals in mind. It will undoubtedly be stressful if you take it seriously but make time for yourself. Whether it's going for a jog or watching your favorite movie, these activities will help you unwind. Always take time to recover after a stressful experience. ​ In light of this, I'd want to wish you a happy junior year! It may not have been as simple as it had been in the past, but just know that you got it. Nothing is too late. This year, go all out and have a blast. As far as I am concerned, you'll do well! Best of luck mate!!