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What do you think of celebrating each other's culture, differences, this month being honored as HHM, National Coming Out Month, Respect Week, etc. How does this embracing of the different ethnic groups/cultures make America beautiful?

Do all of this fit in with or help you to understand our theme of What does it mean to be American?

Write a five paragraph essay explaining your thoughts on this. Support your ideas with examples from presentations, readings, and other activities carried on around you in and out of school.




 As schools participate in Respect Week the idea of celebrating cultures, celebrations and differences take center stage. Celebrating each other's cultures, celebrations and differences are important because it embraces us as a society and proves to people that no matter what a person believes in, a person should always be true to self and society will respect you.  Respect Week is a beautiful week to show appreciation to anyone and everyone. Respect means that you accept somebody for who they are, even when they are different from you or you do not agree with them. It builds feelings of trust, safety, and wellbeing. And if there is one thing that respect week has taught me is that respect doe not come naturally - it is something you learn. 


Continuing on, celebrating our differences, as well as our common interests, helps unite and educate us. HHM, LGBTQ Month, Respect Week, and National Coming Out Week are all examples. For instance, Hispanic Heritage Month is a celebration meant to celebrate the Hispanic culture past, present and future. It is an annual celebration that is celebrated every year. It starts September 15 and ends October 15. It is very important because it is a time to recognize and celebrate the many contributions, diverse cultures, and extensive histories of the Hispanic culture in every community. And it is important to acknowledge and learn about celebrations that can bring people closer together. 


Furthermore, embracing different ethnic groups/ cultures makes America beautiful because it shows the level of care in establishing communities in and out of school. Having parades, parties, commercials, films and movies based off of HHM, LGBTQ, National Coming Out Week, Respect Week, proves that America is beautiful and will continue to respect  celebrations and differences. All this proves that America is beautiful because of how it embraces many cultures; no matter who you are, you are always welcomed. 


All of this does fit into helping me understand the theme of what it means to be American because the whole point of this was to learn about different cultures and backgrounds. It shows that being an American is respecting and honoring people's beliefs, no matter what the differences. It shows us that we are one if we come together. If we respect each other it makes a big difference in our society. In my opinion being American means respecting and celebrating differences.


Consequently, celebrating our differences and celebrations are important because it helps embrace us as a community. If you respect others, they will respect you. Respect Week is a beautiful week celebrated by people bringing out the best in others. It is not something that comes naturally-it is something you learn. And being an American means being able to respect and celebrate others.

Embracing Student Diversity
Lisa Deodatt '26

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