Railyn Adams
Boy's Volleyball
Lisa Deodatt
For this portion of the newsletter I’m happy to be interviewing Railyn Adames.
Railyns Adames class of 2023 is in the Engineering/Robotics CTE at Newark Tech! He is a proud member and outstanding player on this year's boy’s volleyball team. Railyn has been a member of the boy’s volleyball team for almost 4 years now. He has definitely shown his courage and determination throughout his high school volleyball experience. It is sad to see him go; but also to finish off this year strong and better than ever! He’s definitely a team leader and one of the best players on the team. As in any sport, volleyball is not easy and could get complicated sometimes.
In the words of Railyn himself he says, “Sometimes we may win, sometimes we may lose but what's important is we learn and improve on our skills”, and this just shows how great of a player he is despite losing. Railyn’s tips for novice players is to keep practicing and see the things you're doing wrong whether it's by looking at videos, practices or games. Railyn is all around the court meaning he does every position on the team but mainly plays back row, opposite hitter, or 2nd setter.
There's no such thing as “stop learning”, because for Railyn this is only the beginning and as someone who has done every position on the team he has shown leadership and passion. As he has never given up. Even the coaches would say Railyn is a true leader and is a model for our JV team! So furthermore, Railyn is a great player, kind, passionate and a great leader and I’m glad I had the opportunity to interview someone as great as him.
