Boys Baseball- Freshman Interview
Michell Castillo
Edward Reyes

Erick Cruz
Today I interviewed Erick Cruz and Edward Reyes. Eric and Edward are two freshmen on the Newark Tech baseball team. Their favorite part of playing baseball is when the team wins the game. Erick and Edward both play the outfielder position. Although they are just beginning their high school baseball career, they are aspiring to play and attend Rutgers University. Some advice that these two freshmen want to give someone that wants to join the baseball team next year is to work hard before the season starts.
Some tips or advice on how to get better is to never give up and train real hard because practice makes perfect. They believe coaches and teammates view them as hard workers and as team members who strive to get better with each game and practice. Some difficulties is that after practice your body is hurting but you have to keep on going and never give up. It is important to not listen to what people say because they will judge you after you lose a game and will talk bad about you. They both started playing at age five. They have 21 games in a season they have played 11 games and they have won 9 games.